Already been two years! Two years that the whole world and humanity are at the mercy of a small virus that has come to sow disorder, and desolation on its path and disrupt all activities. Since the appearance of the coronavirus at the end of 2019, everything has turned upside down and our planet has entered, in spite of itself, into a new era marked by neologisms and new attitudes: containment, social distancing, etc.
After months of hesitation and panic, the fightback has begun to be organized. Thanks to the numerous measures taken throughout the world, the situation seemed to be under control, but the virus is far from having said its last word. It mutates, changes, changes regularly and forces scientists and public authorities to constantly adapt and find new solutions.
We had the alpha and delta variants and for a few days now Omicron is showing its little nose. The specialists in the Greek language should already start looking for the next one in their lexicon because, in all likelihood, the soap opera or thriller is far from over.
Since the pandemic is here to stay, we have to admit that we will have to live with it for a few more years. Consequently, the sectors most concerned or impacted should continue to conduct their activities not as if nothing had happened but by integrating this reality.
Covid or not, alpha, delta, omicron or omega variant, life must go on because it is much stronger than a “small” virus: this is the main lesson of these first two years of the new life in the context of covid. The Conference Centre has understood this and has decided to follow this logic full of common sense and optimism by considering the pandemic not as a threat but as an opportunity.
While waiting for the day when the virus will be wiped off the face of the earth, the Conference Centre continues its activities as best it can. In August, it hosted the sumptuous, sparkling and resounding ceremony of the draw for the 2021 African Cup of Nations; in a few weeks, it will meet the inhabitants of the capital for Yaounde en Fête (YAFE) before hosting the PROMOTE exhibition in February 2022.
As we can see, despite the virus, life goes on at the Conference Centre which is preparing for its fortieth anniversary in November 2022. What more can we wish to our loyal customers and partners for this year which promises to be rich in sounds, colours and emotions but also in challenges?
Courage, prudence, vigilance, health and optimism despite the gloomy context. Take care of yourselves!
By Christophe MIEN ZOK, General Manager of the Yaounde Conference Centre