In the middle of the sites to visit in Yaounde, the Conference Centre is a real tourist destination. The landscape and the beauty of its green spaces make it a heritage. And in this period of the health crisis, it is more pleasant to enjoy the outdoors. Our outdoor spaces offer multiple possibilities to event organizers.
The green spaces of the Conference Centre have undergone a real transformation along with the main building. No one arrives at the Yaounde Conference Centre without being lulled into a sense of calm by the greenery, making the journey less arduous for pedestrians and motorists.

From the Sunday stroller to the seminarian and the student in search of peace and quiet, everyone can find something to do. Those for whom the outdoors is therapy are definitely the best off.

From the south entrance to the north entrance, there are kilometres of undergrowth covered with grass, stones cut by the forces of nature and harmoniously tamed and arranged by man; a multitude of trees, a good number of them centenarians, with species as different as each other with just as many therapeutic virtues, for the greatest pleasure of the eyes and well-being. All these gifts of nature are accessible to all, thanks to the special care and facilities provided by the Conference Centre.

Also, sportsmen can continue to challenge the mythical 100 steps of the lower part, with the public benches always ready to welcome users. As for the green theater, it is still the preserve of open-air concerts and other similar events.

The halls, nestled in the heart of nature to become one with it, with a surface area of 1500m2 each, are totally modular and can be used for all types of events: weddings, galleons watering, fairs and exhibitions. The outdoors also invites itself to the festivities, leaving only the imagination of man as its only limit. For example, a civil celebration of a wedding, a dinner afternoon, a birthday, a community event, a picnic, a cocktail party… simultaneously, in the same spaces.

On the technical side, tents, floors, tables, chairs, decorations, and horse-drawn carriages are no secret for any of the sections of the Technical Service of the Yaounde Conference Centre. The diversity of the offers, the flexibility, the professionalism and the great open-mindedness of the Conference Centre teams are the cocktail that will produce this great vintage for all your events.

It seems more than undeniable that happiness is indeed in the meadow. So what are you waiting for? Go there quickly!